Her favourite bench

Her favourite bench

CONTENT WARNING: This blog post mentions suicide. Please exercise caution if you are in a sensitive place right now, and contact your mental health professional or Lifeline if this post brings up issues for you. This week I conducted a memorial service for a young...
After the funeral

After the funeral

I found out my former colleague had died when I looked him up on Facebook and his page reported, ‘deceased.’ What? The shock was like a gulp of cold water through my chest. We had not been close, but I don’t know. I had felt like we were kindred...
Fair Trading NSW’s funeral checklist

Fair Trading NSW’s funeral checklist

Organising a funeral can feel overwhelming. Many of us are in such a vulnerable and emotional state of mind when the time comes to make all the necessary arrangements. Often, the person organising the funeral has already been losing sleep for some time, as a carer for...
The typical elements of a funeral service

The typical elements of a funeral service

  I meet with families to discuss the funeral service and one of the first things people ask me is, ‘What do we do?’ As I break down the steps and elements of a funeral service, I can almost see the shoulders drop, the deep breath inhaled, and people...