
A picture of the brochure 'How to Arrange a Funeral in 5 Simple Steps' with a photo of Jackie Bailey on the cover.

I can also work with you and your loved one before death, to prepare and walk with you.

I can offer advice, guidance and spiritual support towards the end-of-life. For example, I can:

  • Create a ‘living wake,’ which is a kind of pre-death celebration when your loved one is still alive
  • Sit in vigil with your loved one in the hours before death
  • Provide an end-of-life blessing for your loved one before or after death
  • Give hand and foot massages with natural oils for your loved one towards the end-of-life
  • Offer advice about funeral options, including pre-paid and pre-arranged funerals, alternative funerals and personalised approaches and help your loved one to design their own ceremony

I have put together a free, brief questionnaire to fill out with some key aspects of how you or your loved one wishes to be treated when they are no longer responsive. It covers things such as:

  • Whether you wish to have people with you
  • Whether you want silence, music, touch, or scents
  • Whether you would like a visit from a chaplain or a non-religious minister

Click here for the free PDF guide, ‘How I Want To Be Treated When I Am No Longer Conscious.’

I first started drafting this guide for my mother-in-law, who entered palliative care early in 2021 and died in April. When she was still conscious and responsive, I wanted her to tell us how she wanted to be treated when she could no longer respond to our questions. I wanted to know things like, did she want to be touched? Did she want visitors or quiet time? Would she like the smell of incense? Did she want feet and hand massages? The most important thing to my mother-in-law, I discovered as I went through the questions with her, was that she wanted to feel clean, and not be in too much pain. This helped us know how to treat her in those last couple of days. I bought a scent diffuser and oils from K-Mart, gave her massages, made sure the lovely nurses were on top of her pain management. It was a special time rather than a distressing one.

Jackie Bailey, Funeral Celebrant

Contact us

Get in touch any time for a free, no-obligation quote and a chat about your needs.

Call me: 0428 576 372

jackiebaileywrites at gmail dot com